Celebrity Teeth Whitening – Who has the Real Hollywood Smile?
Hi, gang! Hannah here from theHealthBase. Today I’m going to talk about a beauty topic that has exploded in recent years – this topic being celebrity's efforts at actively boosting the appearance of their smiles.
We really shouldn’t be surprised by the popularity of this new trend. After all, we live in the Instagram era of fame.
This ultimately means that people are increasingly conscious about their physical appearance.
Why? Because, for some of these celebrities, their physical appearance wholly determines their celebrity status!
A perfect of example of this is the Kardashians.
So, therefore, it makes a tonne of sense that such celebs would take the necessary steps in order to make their smiles as perfect as possible. This can come in the form of bleaching; straightening; closing gaps; removing stains and tartar; and even gum work.
But which Hollywood celebs am I talking about? Below I’ve outlined the most notable ones!
1 – Kylie Jenner & Kim Kardashian
As I alluded to in my introduction, the Jenner and Kardashian women are prime example of the Instagram celebrity type. They have successfully created careers centered on how good they look.
It’s reported that Kylie and Kim rake in a cool $1 million per advertisement that they post on their social media platforms. This is massive money and quite staggering if you think about it.
So, taking this into account, it makes perfect sense that two sisters would be keenly aware of ensuring their smiles were dazzling 24/7 – something which is its fair to say they’ve nailed!
It’s also no surprise to see that Kylie actively promotes the brand that she uses to whiten her teeth. Make no mistake that she gets compensated very well for her promotional efforts!

2 – James Arthur
When James Arthur exploded onto the music scene during his X Factor performances, there was no doubting his incredible vocal talent. However, his teeth were very much in huge contrast. I love James’ music, but his teeth were truly awful back in the day.
Now, for an everyday person, solving dental issues is not top of your to-do list. This is perfectly understandable. However, when you’re a singer, and you know that millions of people are going to being seeing close ups of your mouth while you perform, well you’re priorities can change rather swiftly!!
This was the case with James Arthur who decided to go down the route of getting braces. This option is reserved for dental work that requires a serious amount of realignment and, as such, it’s a slow method at best; sometimes even taking years.
However, as can be seen in Mr. Arthur’s case, the results were well worth the time!

3 – Jeffree Star
Jeffree Star seems to be a man of multiple talents. He’s known for being an entrepreneur; a makeup artist; a singer; a song-writer; a internet personality; and the owner of a cosmetic brand. A busy man indeed!
Due to his work in makeup and cosmetics, it makes sense that Jeffree Star would know all about the power and importance of a smile. In fact, all of Star's teeth are crowned!
If you are fan and follower of his multi-platformed social media presence then you'll be well aware of the work that he has had done on his mouth. If your interested in hearing from the man himself and his dental issues, then hop over to YouTube - there are several videos there where he discusses the matter.
4 – Conor McGregor Whitening
When you think of MMA fighters and UFC champions, straight teeth and beaming smiles don’t often enter into the equation. Gum shields and missing teeth are more likely, let’s be honest!
However, when you are worth nine figures like Conor McGregor is, it makes sense to take some time and care when it comes to your teeth! This is exactly what the self-titled Champ Champ has done.
He has been active in recent times promoting a brand on his social media platforms, and he’s not alone; Floyd Mayweather – McGregor’s conqueror of their historic boxing bout in 2017 – also has had work done on his teeth. Check out the video below where Conor promotes his favorite brand in true McGregor-esque fashion!
5 – Ben Affleck
Why has Ben Affleck completely transformed his smile over the years?? Because he’s Batman, that’s why!! Or, at least, he was up until recently!
But seriously, Ben became a household name with stellar performances in films such as Good Will Hunting. However, it was widely believed that his smile didn’t match his massive acting talent.
So, he did what so many have done in Hollywood – he took some of his hard earned cash and set about creating a smile that befitted his global fame. It may seem superficial and contrite, but actors with bad teeth can certainly see their careers and job opportunities affected in a negative fashion - Hollywood may be glamorous and oh so attractive, but it's also an ruthless business.
Big Ben's dental venture reportedly took the form of crowns; veneers; and other brightening methods. Allegedly, this set him back a staggering $20,000!! That’s a lot of cash! Then again, the elder Affleck’s subsequent film (Armageddon, 1998) grossed in excess of $36 million at the box office. It’s all relative I guess!!
6 – Mylie Cyrus Veneers
As Miley Cyrus matured and moved away from her childhood Hannah Montana persona, it was quite evident that she had taken the time to straighten her teeth. It also appeared that she had work done on her gums.
While Miley has never addressed this issue to our knowledge, it seems to be the common consensus that she used such treatments such as veneers in order to gain the smile of her dreams.
Veneers are a commonly used technique that can have brilliant effects on improving the shade of your teeth.
I personally congratulate on her efforts as I think her smile now looks great!

Two other former female child stars who made the transition into mainstream Hollywood are Hilary Duff and Selena Gomez. These two actresses have also had work done on their teeth.
7 – Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman is (in my opinion) rightfully considered as one of the greatest actors of his generation. His top hits include The Shawshank Redemption and Million Dollar Baby.
In addition, he also possesses the smoothest voice that’s ever been heard! It’s so smooth that it was chosen to represent God’s voice in Bruce Almighty 🙂
However, as he aged, his teeth were notably deteriorating - this is something that we will have to contend with.
To fix things, Freeman went ahead and had some cleaning and bleaching done as well as fixing a gap that was present in the front area of his dental makeup. Job well done, I think!
Are There Any Celebrities with Bad Teeth?
1 – J. Cole’s Teeth
J. Cole is one of the hottest rappers on the planet, having sold millions of albums worldwide. Now, when you think of rap stars, you don’t necessarily think that they’d be worried about such things as straight teeth or beaming smiles. Well, in Mr. Cole’s case you’d be exactly correct in such an assumption!!
For better or worse, J. Cole’s teeth are often discussed in online forums or by celeb news channels. This is mainly because his teeth aren’t what you’d expect from a global superstar.
Many people speculate that J. Cole has deliberately left his teeth unfixed so as to remain as genuine and authentic has possible. This is something that is obviously very important for a rapper’s image, even more important than how their smile looks it appears!
Conversely, it’s reported that a another global rap star has indeed had work done on his teeth. It’s quite noticeable that 50 Cent has had gaps in his teeth closed as well as the overall shade brightened.
Does this make Fiddy less “real” than J. Cole? I have no idea so I’ll let you decide!
2 – Channing Tatum
This may seem like a strange entry but the evidence is there for everyone to see! I say strange, because Channing Tatum is seen as being a global sex symbol – there aren’t many women (or men) who would disagree with this.
Nonetheless, Channing’s teeth are very much at odds with his overall sky high sex appeal. While they have a good tone, his teeth are of varying sizes and even chipped in certain areas. This is something that you would not expect from a mega movie star and certified Hollywood hunk!
Also, it’s widely known that Tatum is a chain smoker, something that is pretty awful when it comes to attempting to a have a great smile. Though in saying this, I do respect the fact that Channing is quite blatantly refusing to conform to the Hollywood norm of having a perfect smile.
3 – Rihanna
Much like Channing Tatum, Rihanna’s name might cause some raised eyebrows by appearing on this list. This is of course because she also seen as being one of the most attractive people on the planet!
While no-one is arguing with the above statement, there have been questions in the past over the Umbrella star with some sources even suggesting that she was suffering from rotten teeth.
This would be quite amazing if true given hers status in the world. She’s obviously keenly aware of her status as a global superstar and sex symbol. Also, it is not as if she’s short of the money that it would cost to fix any dental issues.
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Until next time, stay safe & healthy,