Provillus – Does This Product Actually Work?

men and women

While there may be many different products that promise to revitalize and grow back your hair, Provillus is different in many different ways. This is an excellent choice for men and women who want to restore their hair to look and feel better than ever. Hair loss can have a hugely negative effect on one’s self-image, but you don’t have to suffer in silence anymore.

If you have already made up your mind regarding this product, then please feel free to click on the buttons below - you will be directed to the best place in which to buy this product.

How It Works

Provillus uses a special combination of vitamins, minerals and herbs to promote hair growth in both men and women. The formula of this product is truly unique and has been proven to work well for lots of people all over the world. It uses only FDA-approved ingredients, so you know that it is safe. The combination of ingredients in this product corrects hormonal imbalances, which are one of the leading causes of hair loss.

There is a capsule product and a lotion that make up this hair growth system. Each product is very easy to use and can work well to restore hair growth for just about anyone. When these two products are used together, the potential results are truly incredible.

Both of the products that are included in this system can make your hair feel and appear thicker with increased volume and a healthy glow. While you can buy the two products separately, it is important to use them together to get the best results. You simply cannot use one without the other.


The natural ingredients that are featured in this product are a big part of why it is so powerful and effective for men and women. The following is a list of the ingredients that make up this particular supplement.

  • Saw Palmentto Extract: Used in many hair growth product, saw palmetto extract comes from berries and blocks a certain enzyme that has been known to contribute to hair loss. When your body starts producing less of this enzyme, your chances of losing hair will be far less. It is certainly one of the more important ingredients in this product.
  • Vitamin B6: This particular vitamin can help reduce the production of certain chemicals in the body that lead to hair loss. Everyone should have a healthy amount of this vitamin in their body because of how important it is overall.
  • Zinc: Numerous studies have shown that those with a zinc deficiency are more prone to hair loss. Getting more of this mineral on a regular basis can make your hair look more vibrant and much healthier as a whole.
  • Nettle Root Extract: This is another ingredient that can help you avoid hair loss by preventing DHT. It alters the body’s chemistry to stop hair loss before it even begins.
  • Pumpkin Seed Oil: Another helpful ingredient in combating hair loss because of its ability to prevent DTH from being produced in the brain. Pumpkin seed oil has long been used as part of natural hair growth remedies for decades now, and it really can work well.
  • Biotin: Biotin is another common hair growth supplement ingredient, and a crucial one. It is a B complex vitamin that can help you keep a full head of hair for years to come. Those who are deficient in it can experience issues with hair loss.
  • Minoxoidil: Minoxidil has gone through numerous clinical studies, and there is hard scientific data to suggest that it can be helpful in growing back new hair. This is one of the most important ingredients in this product because it strengthens hair follicles as well.
  • Uva-Ursi Extract: While this ingredient may have quite a strange name, it can strengthen the roots of your hair to keep your full head intact for many years to come. Your follicles will take in the nutrients from this extract quickly for noticeable results.
  • Eleuthero: This extract originates from Siberia, and it has been used as a natural solution for hair loss for many years.
  • Horsetail Silica: This ingredient increases collagen production significantly, which in turn promotes the creation of new hair strands. It is completely natural and very effective at giving you a fuller head of hair.
  • Magnesium: Helps promote the healthy and natural growth of hair.

Benefits of Taking Provillus

Healthier & Fuller Hair

Those who take Provillus on a regular basis for long enough can experience a hugely positive difference in the way their hair looks and feels.

This product can make your hair healthier and fuller overall. One of the main problems that women experience as they get older is thinning hair, which Provillus can help with.

Prevents Further Hair Loss

This product can prevent further hair loss and help grow back old hair at the same time.

This very versatile product is perfect for those who are concerned about hair loss or have already lost a great deal of their hair but want it back.

Rapid Results

There is also the fact that this product is formulated to actually grow back hair that was lost long ago.

No matter how long it has been since you lost your hair, you can get it back by using these products each day for just a few months. Some people have reported getting results in just weeks, so it is extremely fast-acting for sure.

Strengthen Your Roots

The added thickness that you can get with your hair from using this product will make you look years younger. Using these products also makes your hair healthier overall. It will strengthen the roots of each hair, making it last a lot longer. One of the more common reasons that older people start losing their hair is because the follicles become too weak.

Flushes Toxins Out

Another big benefit of this product is that it helps flush various toxins out of the body, which is good for your hair and overall health. This supplement can help almost anyone become a healthier person as a whole.

Drawbacks of Taking Provillus

One of the only potential drawbacks associated with Provillus is that you may have to wait longer than others to begin seeing results. Some people who take this product have claimed to get results in just a couple weeks, while other say it took two or three months. As long as you can be patient, you shouldn’t have any major complaints. There is also the fact that you will have to alter your hair care regimen to include these products, but they don’t take very much time to use.

Where To Buy This?

You can buy Provillus for Men or Women on their official website. All you have to do is supply them with your name, shipping address and payment information. You can choose to pay with any major credit card. This is definitely the easiest and simplest way to purchase this product. One of the great things about ordering this product is that it comes with free international shipping. You should be able to get this product regardless of where you happen to live.


You will need to take two capsules each day and use the topical lotion product as instructed. It is crucial that you read through the instructions for this product in detail so you don’t make any mistakes. By doing this you will be able to get the very best results without having to worry.


You can purchase a two month supply of this hair growth supplement for $89.95, which is pretty good when you consider what many other companies will charge you for their products. You can buy three bottles for $99.90 and five bottles for $149.85. This is one of the best deals on the internet when it comes to hair growth products.

Provillus for Men costs the same thing as Provillus for Women, but it’s still important to order the right one. If you want to restore your hair but are on a budget, this is a great option. This product comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, so you can get a refund if you haven’t gotten any results from it at the end of the first month.

Bottle Size


2 Month Supply


3 bottles


5 Bottles


Who Should Take Provillus?

Those who are concerned with losing their hair should think about taking Provillus because of how incredibly beneficial it can be. There are different versions for men and women available. The primary difference between the two versions is the amount of Minoxidil in it. This product can help almost anyone who wants to prevent hair loss or treat it.

Even people who are in the more advanced stages of hair loss should consider using this product because of the incredible results in can yield. It is for anyone who wants to improve the way they feel about themselves on a daily basis. If you are self-conscious about your hair (or lack thereof) and want to look better, this supplement is worth considering.

This product can be an effective way to prevent any further hair loss if you have noticed a small bald spot on the top of your head. The earlier on you start taking it, the more beneficial it will be.

Does this work

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Customer Reviews


There is no shortage of customer reviews for Provillus for Men and Women, and they are mostly positive.

These reviews rave about how quickly this product works, though it does vary from person to person.

There are many reviews where people talk about how they started to see new hair growing in after just a few short weeks.

Other reviews for this product discuss how great its powerful and natural formula is.

A vast majority of people who have used this hair growth supplement seem to be incredibly impressed by how well it works overall.

Does it Really Work?

Provillus really does work very well for most people, though it ultimately depends on the person. Some people get better results than others when using the two products that make up this hair growth system. It is important to keep this in mind before you start using it yourself. The science behind this product certainly suggests that it can work very well for a majority of people. This is definitely not just another scam.

Side Effects and Associated Risks


One of the only side-effects that you could possible experience when using Provillus is irritation/redness of the scalp.

This usually only occurs if you use too much of the topical product, which is why it’s so important to follow the instructions on the label. There aren’t many documented reports of people who have suffered from adverse side-effects when using these products.

Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take this hair growth supplement because of the negative effects it could potentially have on the child. It is always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting on this supplement to be safe.


Provillus offers hope to many people who want to get back the hair they have lost.

This is also a great option for men and women who want to stop their hair loss in its tracks. If you have noticed yourself starting to lose hair, it is very important to start on this supplement as soon as possible.

This is a two-part hair growth system that has proven to work well. Whether you have only lost a little bit of hair or a lot, this is an option that you should explore. This product has helped many people, and there is a good chance it can help you too.


My name is Maria and I'm the Senior Editor here at The Health Base. I'm a mother to 2 beautiful boys, have a masters in Health Science and I'm always willing to test out/research new products. If you would like to get in touch please feel free to do so here.
