Hemorrhoid Treatment – A Comprehensive Guide
Hello and welcome to my comprehensive guide on the issue of hemorrhoids. My name is Ann and I believe that I’m ideally suited to discuss this issue as I suffered from this chronic health problem for many years.
Due to my troubled past, I now possess tonnes of first-hand experience concerning this issue, as well as quite a bit knowledge. This knowledge was gained from the research that I did into this area as I desperately tried to find a cure for my problem.
As such, because of this experience and knowledge, I felt it only right that I pass on all that I know to the community here at the Health Base. I know how hard and devastating this issue can be on a person’s life, so if I can help in some way then I feel obliged to do so.
Let’s begin.
P.S. FYI, in the context of this article, hemorrhoids; haemorrhoids; Piles; and rectal lumps are all the same thing!
The Overall Problem
This is an issue that does and will affect a huge number of people all over the globe. Some research even indicates that as much as 1 in 2 people will be afflicted by this problem to some extent. This is quite an extraordinary statistic if you think about it. There are very few medical or health conditions that can rival this kind of frequency.
Also known as Piles or rectal lumps, this problem is both painful and very uncomfortable. While it can affect anybody, paying little heed to age or gender, it is most common in the 45 – 65 age bracket. Even though it’s so ubiquitous, the hallmark of this ailment is in fact the belief that this problem is a rarity.
Why is this? Why do people incorrectly believe this issue to be uncommon? Well, this is leads us to…
The Stigma
This is something that I know a great deal about – that being the psychological element that is attached to Piles. If I’m being completely honest, then I’d describe it as being world shattering!! This is often how I felt when it came my own sores – that my world was crumbling and I could do nothing about it.
Now, I understand that this might seem a tad bit dramatic and might could even be labelled a “first world problem”. But, if you’ve experienced haemorrhoids yourself, then you can attest to it being a nightmare. The pain and discomfort of severe rectal lumps, which I had, can take a huge toll on a person’s mental health.
I have no problem saying that it brought me to the brink of depression. I really just could not see an end to the torment.
What made the whole thing even worse was the fact that I was unwilling to tell anyone about what was happening to me. In hindsight, this was a massive mistake on my behalf.
No matter what the health issue is, no matter how personal or embarrassing it is, trying to go it alone is just a terrible idea. Humans are social creatures, this is proven by the way we live. We need to interact with people, and a key element of this interaction is that we have people around us who support us and give us comfort.
By cutting out this support system, it leaves us alone with our fears and doubts. Also, if we try go it alone with this issue, or indeed any medical issue, then we are failing to benefit from the knowledge and experience that health professionals and doctors can provide.
So, even though this particular problem is an embarrassing issue to discuss, I implore you to do just this – talk to friends, family members, and your local doctor. It is an essential part of any haemorrhoids treatment plan….trust me, I know what I’m talking about as I had to learn this lesson the hard way!!
What Exactly Is It?
As with many words in the English language, the term hemorrhoid stems from the ancient civilization of the Greeks. It originates from two separate Greek words – 1) Hamea which translates to blood and 2) rhoos which translates into flowing.
“Blood flowing” is an apt description and name for an issue whose main symptom is rectal bleeding.
But why does this issue affect this specific area of the body? Well, simply, because there a lot of blood vessels located in and around the anus region. When these blood vessels become enlarged or swollen, then haemorrhoids will form.
So, haemorrhoids are actually naturally occurring elements in the rectum, but they can then become a serious health issue if they swell to a certain point. This swelling could be caused by a severe strain or pressure being exerted onto this area of the body.
The Two Different Types
What a lot of people don’t understand is that there are two unique types of this ailment, with both possessing different characteristics and problems for our health. Below are these two types and some relevant information about them:
These are hemorrhoids that are located within the rectum, making them invisible to the naked eye. In many ways this type is the lesser of the two as they don’t cause as much discomfort as the external variety. For example, sitting down and fabric from clothes won’t aggravate internal hemorrhoids.
In saying this, internal ones are more susceptible to being irritated and even made worse by the passing of stool. If this happens, you could very well see blood appear in the toilet or on toilet paper after you’ve wiped. Not pleasant, I know.
The key to preventing the irritation of these internal rectal sores is to maintain a healthy diet that will ensure you pass stool in a smooth manner. I’ll delve into the dietary side of things shortly.
This variation can appear by themselves or can actually be internal ones that have moved from the inner rectum to the surface of the outer rectum.
They normally develop underneath the skin in and around the anus. The external ones are far more irritable and painful due to the fact that they come in contact with whatever you sit on or whatever fabric you’re wearing.
Such factors can cause these external sores to become aggravated. This will lead to more pain and further discomfort.
There are ways to limit this happening, as I’ll explain later, but it’s fair to say that this is the most annoying of the two possible eruptions.
This leads us nicely to how this vexing issue actually comes into being….
What Causes Them?
As with any health issue, it’s important to understand the causation if you are to successfully plan out a treatment method. If you don’t understand this factor, then it can be very easy to go about things the wrong way and potentially even exacerbate the issue.
When it comes to rectal sores, both internal and external, there are actually a fair few different potential causes. Below I’ve outlined the most occurring ones and why exactly they can result in a health problem:
1 – Genetics
Ok, this one is a bit unfair. Whenever you are struck down by an illness that’s passed down to you from a hereditary source, it really is one of those things that smacks of unfairness!!
With regards to exact details, it is possible that you could be born with a genetically passed down weakness in the walls of your rectum area. If this area is thin in any way, then it’s very possible rectal lumps will appear at some point.
That’s the bad news with this particular cause; the good news is that this issue very rarely directly leads to rectal sores emerging – it usually takes something else along with this in order for such lumps to form. Somewhat of a silver lining so.
2 – Undue Strain When Moving Bowels
When I use the term strain, I’m referring to a bowel movement that takes an overly long time or requires excessive force in which to pass it through your body. Either of these factors can cause haemorrhoids to appear.
But what causes this undue strain? Well, there are a few different factors that might causes issues with your attempts to pass stool. Such examples are constipation; diarrhea; stomach cramping; dietary habits; or unhygienic bathroom habits.
Any of these above factors can cause lumps in our anal region to form, both internally and externally. Fortunately, the majority of the above can be staved off by applying common sense to your diet and cleaning habits.
3 – Periods of Pregnancy
It is quite common for women to experience hemorrhoid problems in some form or another during their pregnancies.
The reason for this lies in the extra pressure that is exerted on rectal veins by the additional weight that is present in the uterus.
This extra pressure can lead to constipation occurring, or indeed to an overly long and painful period of labor.
Both these occurrences can then result in lumps forming.
4 – Chronic Constipation & Diarrhea
As outlined below, constipation can be a leading factor in this health issue emerging. Constipation causes our stool to harden and become more aggressive with regards to it passing through our bodies.
This hardened stool will be more difficult to eject from our bowels due to its consistency. This will then lead to more stress and strain being exerted on our rectal area which could very well lead to negative results.
The same can be said for chronic diarrhoea, though obviously this issue is inherently different with regards to the consistency of the stool. Diarrheal causes quickened bowel movements which occur more regularly and in a, dare I say, explosive manner. This will cause added stress and strain on your body.
5 – Delaying a Bowel Movement
This is something that we all do at some point – stalling the evacuation of our bowels for whatever reason. We’ve all pushed the limits to the point where we wait until we’re about to explode!! Whether it be for work reasons, being lazy, playing sports, or simply not being near a toilet, it can easily happen to us all.
What people do not understand is that repeated stalling of bowel movements can have adverse side effects. You see, when we stall such a movement, the stuff that is on its way to being removed from our bodies becomes harder in texture.
This then leads to the issue that I explained in the constipation paragraph. Furthermore, it can also lead to pressure being exerted on the muscles and vessels in the rectum which is not a healthy thing to have happen.
6 – Being Overweight & Eating Rubbish
Obesity is a key player when it comes to understanding how rectal lumps can emerge in your body. The reason for this is pretty straightforward – the more weight that you’re carrying then the more pressure will be applied to your midsection.
Weight naturally gathers in the middle of your body, and this is exactly where haemorrhoids can form if there is too much pressure present. Weight caused by poor dietary habits will cause excess fat to gather around our pelvic and stomach area.
This will then cause great strain and pressure to be forced upon your rectal area. This is not good, not good at all.
In addition, consuming processed foods and the like, as well as not eating enough fruit and veg, will only elevate the chances of you gaining Piles.
The above habits will cause your stool to become harder and harder to pass in a smooth fashion. This will then lead to extra pressure and strain occurring.
When it comes to avoiding these issues, the majority of advice that I can give you is of a commonsense approach. Possessing a healthy diet is not rocket science, it just takes a little bit of willingness to learn what’s healthy for you and what’s not, and also a tiny bit of commitment to eat well most of the time.
7 – Fiber & Fluids…Get Them In!!!
To carry on from the previous paragraph, there are two areas that are key when it comes to diet and preventing hemorrhoids. The first of these is the intake of fiber. The DRA (daily recommended amount) of fiber for a person varies from person to person, being decided by your physical size.
It’s roughly recommend that we should be aiming for in-between 20 – 35 grams of fiber every day. This will vary slightly from person to person. The important thing to understand is the reason as to why fiber is so vital. In a nutshell, this ingredient is key in ensuring that your stool is at its most malleable. This will decrease the chance of any problems when you are having a bowel movement.
Good examples of fiber sources are the following:
8 – Medical Issues
Serious health matters such as rectal cancer, IBS, tumors, heart disease, liver disease, and other such issues can also cause hemorrhoids to appear in the rectum and anal region.
Such issues can again cause stress and strain on sensitive parts of the body which can then have the knock-on effect of causing further health problems.
As always, if you think there is a problem with your body then it’s important that you visit your local doctor or health professional so that you can get the problem diagnosed as quickly as possible.
9 – Lack of Exercise
Forget rectal lumps for a moment, exercising regularly and at a good intensity is so unbelievably important to our efforts of maintaining and improving our overall health. Refraining from exercise does not have any upsides. These are just undeniable facts of life.
When it comes to the issue at hand, if you were to live a sedate lifestyle in which you did as little exercise as possible, then the result would be that your muscles would weaken – including those located in your rectum and its surrounding areas.
As explained before, lacking muscle strength in your rectum has been proven to cause issues such as Piles.
10 – Excessive Sitting
This particular cause is a leading contributor to the emergence of this health issue. In general, sitting down for long periods on a regular basis is terrible for your body.
The reason for this is because when we are in a seated position, the entire weight of your upper body is lying on our middle section.
This causes a great deal of stress on our pelvic region as well as the rectum. It’s also very bad for our lower back, even if we are sitting in an ergonomically correct way.
Humans were not designed to seat for hours on end – this is proven by our bodies becoming stiff and sore when we do exactly this.
Now, avoiding the practise of sitting down for overly long periods can be tough, especially if you work at desk, or behind wheel, for 40 hours a week. However, there are things that you can do if you stay conscious of this issue.
Simply by getting up from your chair every 30 - 40 minutes for a quick minute or two will greatly alleviate the stress that’s being placed on your middle section. Even better, if you can do a quick torso stretch as well then this will do wonders in avoiding any problems. Like I said, it’s just a case of consciously getting into the habit of doing such things.
The Leading Symptoms
Depending whether the problem is internal or external, there are several common symptoms that go along with this ailment. None of them are particularly pleasant, as you’ll soon see. Below I’ve outlines these nasty biproducts:
Blood Stains – these can appear in a variety of places such as our clothes; the toilet bowel; in excrement; and on toilet paper.
Rectal bleeding is a common element of this problem and occurs when the sores get irritated.
Anal Itching – this is one that I used to have serious problems with and is the most unpleasant of them all in my opinion. Known as Pruritus Ani in medical circles, it occurs when fluid leaks from the anal canal due to the swollen sores.
This leaking irritates the skin in this area and causes a quite intense itching sensation to begin.
The worse part of this symptom is that trying to scratch or clean the itching area will often make it worse. Absolutely no fun whatsoever. 🙂
Painful Bowel Movements – this symptom usually occurs when internal lumps are present.
Stool moving through the rectum can cause friction with any present hemorrhoids and this will lead to an unpleasant feeling.
Rectal Pain – this will occur when you sit down if you have rectal sores present. Sitting down will cause these haemorrhoids to become under severe pressure which will then lead to pain.
Unfortunately, there is very little that can be done for this other than trying to avoid sitting if at all possible or being gentle if you have to.
This symptom is quite literally a tremendous pain in the ass.
Rectal Lumps – external sores will appear in the form of lumps in and around the anus. These will be painful if touched and some fabrics can cause irritation to occur.
Also, sitting down for long periods or sleeping on your back can, unfortunately, cause these lumps to become irritated and even worsen in condition.
Are They Permanent?
This is something that is commonly believed – that once you experience this issue then it will be with you for the rest of your days. You’ll be happy to know that this rubbish!! I had severe Piles for many years yet managed to banish them to the past.
Haemorrhoids is only a reoccurring issue if you fail to be proactive in treating them. Now, of course, the speed in which you get rid of your own hemorrhoids will depend entirely on the severity of the case. However, what’s key to understand is that this health problem is not a permanent one.
It tends to be the case that internal sores do not stick around for as long the external ones, with it even being possible to get rid of this type within a few days’ time. External ones might take a bit longer.
The Best 4 Prevention Methods
OK, so now let’s get to the most important aspect of all – how to treat existing haemorrhoids. This topic is worth reading even if you do not have Piles as it’s always good to know how to deal with an issue correctly from the very get go. Being proactive trumps being reactive any day of the week.
There are ways that you can treat existing Piles as well as preventing any appearing in the first place. I’ve outline the best methods in the below section.
1 – Fiber Supplements
Fiber in general is greatly effective at softening our stool which then makes it easy to pass through our bodies. This will lessen the chances of any irritation or inflammation occurring. This element can be obtained from such foods that I listed in above section – there are tonnes of different options.
Due to the fact that there are plenty of sources of food from which fiber can be gotten from, it makes it quite easy to ensure that you’re getting enough in your daily diet. In addition, a top quality fiber supplement is another great method of getting your required dose. The great aspect about this method is that you know exactly how much fiber you’re ingesting.
2 – Essential Oils
EOs are one of the best natural remedies for a whole host of different ailments. The uses and benefits of these oils are numerous and incredibly effective. This is very evident when EOs are discussed as being a treatment for rectal sores.
Many EOs have super strong anti-inflammatory abilities which work to shrink the swollen veins in a person’s rectum which is vital in alleviating the itchy sensation and even the pain associated with this problem.
For a complete look at how EOs can bring relief and even cure this issue, please click on the image below for a thorough review:
3 – Witch Hazel
This is quite a popular treatment method for this ailment as this substance possesses strong antiseptic and astringent properties. These two elements are super effective at reducing the swelling that comes about with a haemorrhoids outbreak.
Witch Hazel also has tannin incorporated into its makeup. This ingredient has strong anti-inflammatory capabilities which can supply relief from this rectal issue.
Click here for an example of a top Witch Hazel option in January 2025.
4 – A Top Rated Cream
(The Health Base Choice)
The reason why I’ve recommended this method above the other is quite simple – because this is what worked for me.
Different methods work for different cases, but I can only back the methods that have worked for me.
I tried several different options before giving one of the top brands a go. I never looked back once I had.
These top creams have been scientifically designed to attack and neutralize the issues associated with rectal lumps, which overall makes them super effective at treating this issue. However, there is a downside – that being deciding on which cream to choose.
This, as is the case with any product, is the hard part of being a consumer. So many options, so much information!! I’ve taken the time to review the cream that I myself used to rid Piles from my life. You can find this review by clicking on the image below.
The Key Do’s & Do Not’s
…pay attention to your bathroom routine and habits. By this I mean the length of time you spend sitting on the toilet; the type of toilet paper you use; the wipes you use; et cetera et cetera. By ensuring that you have healthy bathroom habits, this will greatly reduce any potential risks.
…exercise regularly with a good intensity level. Exercising has the natural effect of causing our bodies to sweat. Sweating has the massive benefit of excreting harmful toxins from our body as well as maintaining a healthy circulation of blood. This will overall promote smooth and unobstructed bowel movements.
…be conscious of the clothes your wear. If you’re already suffering from hemorrhoids, then clothes can play an important role in not aggravating the issue. I found that the best type of clothes are loose fitting garments, usually of a cotton variation. Try and avoid anything that is tight and restricting.
…try and sleep on your side or stomach. I know that this isn’t always possible as we can only control our movements during sleep to a certain extent. It’s a good idea to try at least to fall asleep on your side or stomach. Sleeping on your back can cause undue pressure on your rectal area.
…take care of what you consume. When it comes to the issue that we’re discussing, fiber and hydration are the two key dietary points that you’ll need to keep in mind. There are plenty of different types of fiber, so you should be able to find something that you like. Drinking plenty of water is a rule of thumb for an overall healthy lifestyle.
…put off nature’s call. If your body is telling you that you need to visit the toilet then it’s in your own best interest to listen to it!! Whether it be a no.1 or no. 2, only negative things can come from waiting so best to not allow this to happen in the first place.
…try force a bowel movement. This can easily occur if you’re in a rush, or if you’re trying to force a movement that perhaps is not actually needed. Either such action can cause great strain and pressure on your rectal region. This will then lead to problems with the veins located in this area.
…use soaps; shower gels; shampoos; and conditioners that contain large amounts of chemicals. Try your best to use products that are as natural as possible. Chemicals and other manufactured ingredients can irritate sensitive areas of the body.
…engage in anal sex if you are suffering from this problem. The reasons for this are pretty obvious, it really is a terrible idea. My best advice on this matter is that visit your local doctor or health professional so they can suggest the best course of action.
…sit or stand for overly long periods of time. I’ve already explained how sitting for hours on length is terrible for your health in general. Well, the same can be said for standing. This too will cause pressure and strain on certain parts of your body that then might lead to health issues. Though, in saying this, standing for hours on length is certainly not as harmful as sitting for the same time period. As with most things in life, variation is what you should be aiming for. 🙂
20 Natural Remedies
As I bring to a close my guide on this issue, I though I’d also mention some home remedies that people often turn to when it comes to this health problem. Before I begin, I must note that these remedies really shouldn’t be seen as long-term solutions.
Instead, it’s more prudent to see them as methods that might bring about some short-term relief. I personally tried most of the methods listed below as I battled with my Piles. While some of them did bring relief, it wasn’t until I started using a professional cream that I started to see real results.
Still, some of them really are worth a go so let’s have a quick look at what they entail and why they’re recommended.
1 – Coconut Oil
This is a method that has been used for generations. Drinking either coconut oil and milk on a daily basis can result in you benefiting from certain properties that are ideal in preventing constipation and diarrhoea. These substances are quite expensive though so be economical when using them.
In addition, coconut oil can be applied in a topical fashion to the rectal sores. This oil contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can bring relief to the pain and itchy sensation associated with this problem.
2 – Ice
This is one of the more simpler methods it has to be said. Ice is used for a variety of injures and ailments as it can bring relief to inflamed areas. Applying ice to such an area will cause a numbing sensation as well as helping to bring down any swelling.
The trick behind using ice is to avoid applying it directly onto the same area of skin for more than a few seconds – prolonged contact will lead to ice burns. Most people wrap ice in a cloth to avoid this problem. Another way is to rub the ice in circular motions on the affected area – this will provide maximum benefits of the ice while negating any risk of the skin becoming further irritated.
3 – Lemon Juice
There have been studies done that have indicated that lemon juice can provide relief from the bleeding that comes with rectal sores. This juice is high in vitamin C and other such beneficial elements that can work to boost your body’s defences.
As with coconut oil, lemon juice can be taken orally or else applied topically. Just be careful with the latter as it can tend to cause a burning sensation if rubbed into open sores.
4 – Petroleum Jelly
This product is used all around the world as a lubricant and thus makes it perfect for applying to the rectal area. This will help to facilitate smooth bowel movements
Jelly has a secondary benefit as well, one that is born from the zinc oxide that is found in its makeup. Zinc oxide can effectively offer relief from the inflammation associated with rectal sores, this lowering the levels of pain that are present.
5 – Potatoes
This one might cause you to raise an eyebrow or two but it’s actually quite effective! Potatoes are a vegetable that possess astringent properties. These properties can provide relief associated with haemorrhoids.
The best way of availing of this method is to extract the juice from raw potatoes, then apply this juice to the affected area. This treatment is best suited for external sores.
6 – Turmeric
Turmeric is world famous for having top quality antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
It’s also relatively cheap to buy. It’s a simple process of mixing the turmeric with a bit of water, or even some lemon juice or coconut oil.
Then simply apply the resulting paste to the affected area.
7 – Oak Bark
Another left-field method for you. I never actually tried this one, but I have read testimonials from people who found it beneficial. The bark of an oak tree is well known for having antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties.
The best method of applying the bark is to first boil a length of it in a container of water for 10-15 minutes. Then, after it has sufficiently cooled down, simply apply it to the affected area. A prime time to attempt this would be if you were sitting down for an hour or so to read at night.
I have heard that this method does not interact well with constipation so keeps this in mind if you are having constipation issues.
8 – Rutin
Rutin is a complex sugar that can be located in such foods as prunes; blackberries; peppers; cherries; lemons; oranges; limes; apricots; buckwheat; and grape fruits amongst other things. When ingested, this ingredient works to add strength to blood vessels and capillaries.
The fact that this ingredient can be found in so many sources means that it’s a readily available treatment method. And cheap too.
9 – Cayenne Pepper
Unbeknownst to most people, this specific type of pepper has high levels of alkaloids and glucosides.
These marvelous elements have several benefits including the following: speeds up the healing process of damaged blood vessels; cleanses blood; and provides flexibility to arteries, veins, and capillaries.
I’d feel remiss if I didn’t add a warning to this method. This pepper can be a bit too much for some people’s indigestion capabilities, so be careful. It might be worth your time doing a bit more research into this method before attempting it.
10 – Pomegranate
This is a well-known remedy for hemorrhoids. Various parts of the Pomegranate tree have high astringent capabilities which are very useful in treating this ailment, especially in reducing any swelling.
There are quite a few ways of actually utilizing this method due to the fact that there’s more than one part of the pomegranate tree that can be used. Again, some research on your end will be needed to pinpoint which is the best technique.
11 – Radish Juice
Possessing strong antioxidant elements, radish juice is ideally suited for this issue. Furthermore, this type of juice is also high in fiber content which I’ve already explained is key in the battle against Piles.
Radish juice can effectively cleanse your system and reduce the symptoms linked with this ailment. Also, it doesn’t taste anywhere near as bad you might think!
12 – Ginger
This natural ingredient is brilliant at cleansing a person’s blood which in turn promotes healthy cell growth as well as boosting the circulation of blood throughout our bodies.
This will result in our stool becoming soft and malleable, something that is vital if our bowel movements are going to be unhindered.
You can also apply ginger directly to the rectal sores for some instant relief.
13 – Cumin Seeds
This is another all-natural ingredient that is high both in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties – two weapons that are ideally suited to combat hemorrhoids.
It’s simple enough to crush some of these seeds into a fine powder. Then simply add a tablespoon or two to a glass of water and down the hatch it goes!
14 – Bitter Gourd
This is an ingredient that is ideally suited for the bleeding element of this problem. This is due to the fact that bitter gourd has been proven to be effective at adding strength to the vein walls that line the rectal area.
In addition to this, bitter gourd is also believed to have the ability to prevent stool residue from sticking in the digestive tract. This is a key thing to happen as blockages can cause a build up of pressure in your anal canal.
15 – Bananas
Bananas have a whole host of health benefits, so it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most common fruits in the world. This yellow fruit supplies our bodies with such vital minerals and vitamins like potassium; vitamin B; manganese; vitamin C; and magnesium.
In addition to eating the fruit, the peel of the banana can also be used to treat this issue. If you rub the peel on rectal sores, then this can result in them being soothed and even reduced in terms of swelling.
This overall can help ease the itching sensation associated with such an issue.
16 – Garlic
Garlic is super rich in such elements like minerals; amino acids; sulphur; and health boosting enzymes. All of these factors result in it being a very strong anti-inflammatory; antibacterial; astringent; and detoxifying ingredient.
What makes this option so attractive is that garlic can be added to a whole host of meals in order to boost the flavour of the dish. This results in garlic being both super healthy and delicious at the same time! There’s not that many treatment methods that can match this boast.
17 – Psyllium
This is a type of fiber that is a great way of getting that extra kick of this mineral if you think you need it, or perhaps if you believe you’re not getting enough fiber from your diet.
Taken from the Plantago Ovata tree, psyllium is very effective at softening our stool deposits which will greatly diminish the risk of constipation and other digestive issues.
18 – Prunes
This fruit is a natural laxative and is one that’s rather delish if I don’t say so myself! Prunes also contain quite a bit of fiber in them which overall makes them super health for our digestive functions.
Just be careful how many prunes you eat, or prune juice you drink. If you’re not sure why I say this, perhaps you should google laxative! 🙂
19 – Goat’s Milk
This particular inclusion is a rather specialized one as it’s very effective at helping with Piles that appear due to pregnancy. Though, in saying this, it can help if sores appear for other reasons as well.
With regards to the pregnancy element, haemorrhoids can appear during this period of a woman’s life because of them becoming lactose intolerant. Therefore, by eating low-lactose foods like goat’s milk, this can be really beneficial.
20 – Dry Figs
This is another fruit that I’m a massive fan of! Not only are dry figs full of taste and flavour, they are also super healthy. I personally eat dried figs three or four times a week – probably a bit too often I’m being honest!!
Much like prunes, figs are full of fiber as well as being a natural laxative. As we’ve covered before, these two elements are vital in the battle against Piles. Though, as I said is the case with prunes, it’s probably best not to stuff your face on a regular basis with this fruit type.
Top Tips
Trial and Error Required
You may be thinking to yourself, how do I know which of these methods are the best? There’s quite a few and, in all truthfulness, I could have easily doubled the twenty that I chose to mention. Also, if you google these methods you’ll find people that say it worked miracles for them…and you’ll also find people who swear they did nothing for their haemorrhoids. Such is the “beauty” of the internet!
A lot of it really does come down trial and error unfortunately – what works for one person might not necessarily work for someone else. Also, you’ve properly noticed that I didn’t give any exact methods or steps on how to apply or perform the above methods.
This, again, is because there are so many varying methods for each treatment type. It really will take a bit of research and testing on your behalf to locate what’s best for you. While there is certainly no harm in trying a few of these out, I feel it prudent to repeat my words from the start of this section.
Those words being…
Don’t Pin All Your Hopes on Natural Remedies
Look, some of these methods might indeed alleviate your condition, but it’s important to note that it’s highly unlikely that any of the above will cure your rectal lumps completely. Unfortunately, when it comes to this health issue, usually something a bit stronger is required.
This is where the methods that I mentioned earlier on come into the equation. These methods – in particular the creams – have science as well as nature imbued in them. This gives you the best of both worlds when it comes to taking the fight to those pesky rectal sores.
My personal recommendation would be to buy a top-level cream as well as perhaps experimenting with a few of the natural treatments that I outlined above. This is the treatment method that ultimately banished my Piles to being nothing more than faint memory.
How do you get hemorrhoids?
There are quite a number of different potential causes, put they usually all stem from either unhealthy habits or excessive strain and stress on your rectal area.
How to do you get rid of Piles?
In my opinion the best course of action is to purchase a top-rated cream as well as trying some natural solutions for short-term relief.
What do hemorrhoids look like?
I describe them as rectal lumps because this is essentially what they look – varying sized lumps that appear underneath the surface of our skin.
What is the best hemorrhoid treatment over the counter?
As I’ve stated already, I think the best over the counter treatment comes in the form of a top-rated cream. These creams have been designed to treat this ailment so it’s no surprise that they’re super effective at doing just this.
What do Piles feel like?
Usually this issue will result in painful and itching sensations in your rectal area. This will mean quite a bit of discomfort will ensue.
How to treat Piles at home?
Any of the home natural remedies are well worth a try, though there will be varying levels of effectiveness. Again, a cream is the way to go if you’re looking for a tried and tested DIY method. Of course, it’s always prudent to visit your local doctor if you have a health issue.
Concluding Thoughts
That brings an end to my comprehensive guide on this health issue. I truly hope that you found it informative but also reassuring. Piles, as I well know, is a nasty affliction to have, but by no means does it have to be permanent or a recurring one.
If you really put your mind to it, take the necessary steps, and apply some common sense, then you can quite easily remove this problem from your life once for all. The reason why I can say this with such certainty is because this is exactly what I managed to do.
Take Care & Be Well,