Hemorrhoid Myths – Part Two

Piles myths


Hello, guys, Ann here with another informational article concerning an issue that we at the Health Base have received many questions about.

Due to the fact that we got so many questions about hemorrhoids and the myths that surround this issue, I decided to write two separate articles. This is Part Two, you can find the first one here.

In this article I will look at 10 common myths that often pop when this issue is being discussed. Some of these myths are actually true; some have bits of truth in them; and others are just straight up nonsense!

It’s important that you are able separate the truth from the lies. Why? For the simple reason that only by possessing the correct information regarding a health issue can you then set about finding the best treatment for it.

This health issue is one that I've had personal experience with and this is the main reason why I took it upon myself to write these articles. OK, so that's the intro taken care of, now let’s get to the myths and see what we have. 😊

Also, for a complete look at this health issue, take some time read our complete hemorrhoid treatment guide. 

​1st Myth: Only Affects Unhealthy People

Haemorrhoids is one of those annoying issues where your overall health doesn’t necessarily play a role in deciding whether or not you are susceptible to being affected. Potentially, you could be super human with regards to your dietary habits and exercise regime…and yet still suffer from this issue.

This is obviously a frustrating aspect of this ailment. I can imagine that it’s tough to be super conscious and active when it comes to your health, only to be then struck down by such a nasty affliction as this one. Unfortunately, this is just a reality of hemorrhoids – they can affect anyone.

Though, in saying this, having a healthy and balanced diet can greatly reduce the chances of getting, and the impact of existing, Piles. In particular, eating plenty of fiber is key in this area. Fiber is essential as it makes your digestive functions work in a smooth, unobstructed manner.

The Truth: this problem can affect pretty much anyone. Though, studies have shown that it tends to be more prominent in people over the age of 50, and that a healthy diet can greatly help.

2nd Myth: Pregnancy Can Be a Factor

This is actually correct. There was a report released recently that indicated that as up to as much of a third of pregnant women will have problems from this issue.

Personally, I think that this incredibly unfair…pregnancy is hard enough without having to worry about this and other such issues like stretch marks!!☹

However, despite the unjustness of it, there is a logical reason why this is the case. During pregnancy, there is a natural increase in the blood vessels located in the pelvic region.

This can very easily lead to lumps forming.


Despite this doom and gloom assessment, there are ways of preventing this happening. This is where your doctor or local health professional comes into the equation. These people have the knowledge and the experience and, as such, will be able to steer you in the right direction.

The Truth: pregnancy can indeed lead to lumps in your rectal area forming, though there are ways to combat and prevent this from happening.

3rd Myth: No Treatment Equals No Cure

This one is debated amongst health professionals. When it comes to issues of health, it’s very rare that a problem of a serious nature will simply disappear all on its own accord. Usually, some sort of treatment is required to solve the problem.

This, in a general way, is the best way to view Piles. There have been documented cases where hemorrhoids have disappeared without treatment, but these cases are not the norm. The majority of the time a treatment is required.

Luckily, when it comes to haemorrhoids, there are quite a few invasive, relatively cheap treatment methods that are popular and effective. These DIY home methods are well worth giving a try if you suffer from this issue.

The Truth: for the majority of cases with this issue, treatment is indeed needed if you are to successfully remove the problem. Very minor cases can possibly dissipate without additional steps being taken, but this is a risky plan – you’re much better off tackling the issue when it is in its infancy rather than waiting. This could result in the problem getting worse.

4th Myth: Excessive Sitting is a Leading Cause

This is absolutely true and something that is very important to understand when it comes to this issue. In general, staying in a seated position is not great for our bodies.

Our ancient ancestors understood this and thus they used to squat in order to rest, something that sounds insane to the modern person!

You see, when we are in a sitting position, our weight is compressed and concentrated onto our midsection – this can then cause issues to our hips and lower back.

This is the reason why you’ll feel stiff and sore after sitting down for too long.

Pain from sitting

With regards to Piles, excessive sitting can actually lead to this ailment forming in the first place. This can happen because of the aforementioned pressure on our midsection that I outlined above. An easy way to prevent this, and to also stave off structural issues with your body, is to try and limit your sitting to 30 or 40 minutes at a time. Simply by getting up for a minute or two, and maybe doing a quick stretch, will help hugely.

The Truth: sitting for long periods is very harmful when it comes to these rectal lumps – both in being a cause of them forming, as well as worsening existing ones.

5th Myth: Bleeding Will Always Occur

While bleeding from the rectum is something that is commonly associated with haemorrhoids, it’s not an ever-present symptom as many people believe. The bleeding occurs when existing external lumps become irritated – this can come in the form of a few drops or even a heavy flow.

However, if the issue you are suffering from is of the internal variety, then bleeding is something that might not ever be present.

It must be noted that there are numerous causes of rectal bleeding with, no surprise here, none of them being a good sign. This is why it’s always important to go to your doctor if you notice bleeding from the rectum. This is solid advice when it comes to unexplained bleeding from any part of the body!!

The Truth: rectal bleeding is often a symptom of external Piles, but it could also mean something else. Also, internal lumps might not result in bleeding occurring.

6th Myth: Medical Examination is Painful


This is a particularly annoying myth surrounding this issue. It can also be a harmful one. For example, if a person chose to believe that a visit to the doctor was going to be a painful experience, then they could very well to decide to delay this visit, or indeed put it off altogether.

This, of course, will only result in their health problem getting more serious. This is doubly significant when it comes to rectal lumps as there is already a shame element linked with this problem which often stops people from visiting their local doctor’s office.

OK let’s be honest here, having a doctor inspect your rectal region will not be a nice experience – it’ll be uncomfortable and embarrassing. But, and this is the important thing, it will not be excessively painful as some sources will have you believe.

Doctors use such things as gloves and lubricant to avoid causing any undue discomfort. So, while it probably won’t be a fun visit, it shouldn’t be one that you’re overly worried about. Therefore, for the sake of your health, it shouldn’t be something that is avoided.

The Truth: the simple answer is no. Visiting a doctor is always recommended when it comes to this issue, or indeed any health concern.

7th Myth: Anal Intercourse Will Exacerbate the Issue

There is both truth and falsehood in the above statement. A lot of people believe that engaging in anal intercourse will cause Piles to appear – this is not true and there is no evidence to suggest that such a thing will happen.

However, it is true that anal intercourse can cause exiting an existing rectal lumps issue to worsen in severity. The reason for this should be quite obvious.

It is therefore important that you visit your doctor if this particular issue could be a problem for you.

The Truth: anal intercourse will not cause haemorrhoids to appear but it can very easily irritate existing ones, so take care.

​8th Myth: Black Pepper Can Be a Cause

Black pepper

This myth ties into the spicy food myth that I discussed in Part One of this topic. There is no food or ingredient that will directly cause Piles – that’s the short answer.

Consuming black pepper in moderation will have absolutely no adverse effect on your health, unless you happen to be allergic to it. The only issue that may occur when it comes to black pepper and haemorrhoids is perhaps other health issues occurring.

One such issue could be constipation – something that is a real possibility if you were to consume very spicy food. This constipation could then cause problems for any existing Piles by irritating them.

The Truth: black pepper won’t cause rectal lumps or irritate ones that are already there, but consuming spicy food might cause other problems that will adversely affect any Piles that may be present.

​9th Myth: This Will Be a Recurring Issue

This is a common myth that revolves around this health problem, and it’s one that is obviously very concerning. There is very little worse in this world than a recurring health condition that could be with you for the rest of your life.

In saying this, Piles will only become a recurring issue if you do not treat it properly and in a prompt fashion. It most certainly will reoccur if you do not initiate an effective treatment plan, or if you start one and then stop when you start to see results.

Using a top cream or essential oil are two such treatments that you can do from the comfort of your home. Include a high fiber diet and plenty of water, and you’ll soon be well on your way to banishing hemorrhoids from your life.

The Truth: it will not be a recurring issue if you deal with it in an effective manner.

10th Myth: Consuming Enough Fiber Will Negate the Risk

It is definitely true that fiber plays a vital role in both preventing haemorrhoids from appearing as well as helping with the treatment of existing ones.

However, fiber and dietary habits is only one of the elements that surround this issue.

Eating plenty of fiber and not worrying about anything else is by no means a sure-fire way of avoiding or getting rid of this health issue.

It’s also worth noting that, when it comes to fiber intake, drinking plenty of water is vital.

Water will help lubricate your food and ensure that it is digested and expelled in a smooth, economical fashion.

Foods with fiber content

The Truth: fiber is certainly helpful when it comes to haemorrhoids, but you shouldn’t think that it’s the only significant factor.

Final Word

Well that’s all I have to say on this issue, I hope that it helped you in some way. Make sure that you also check out the related content that we at the Health Base have constructed – I’ve supplied the necessary links at the bottom of this page.

Of course, if you have questions about the stuff that I’ve covered in this article, or any suggestions for future pieces, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Also, if you are in midst of hemorrhoid problem and are just looking for a quick solution, then take a look at our full guide in which we look at one of the leading creams that is available on the market today.

Take Care & Be Well,



My name is Ann and I am a Senior Editor for the The Health Base Team. I've accumulated a wealth of life experience over the years concerning health and beauty issues. This is why I decided to write for the Health Base - so I can share what I've learnt. I hope you find it helpful :) For a personal conversation, you can get in touch with me here. Take care!
